Monday, April 27, 2009

Mowing the yard just like daddy!!
First day to wear shorts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I still can't believe he kept his hat and glasses on. He loves to play outside ecspecially with a ball.
Taking a bath in blue water!!!!
When Mason wants to go downstairs, this is how he sits until we open the gate
Eating dinner outside
mmmmm hamburger helper and texas toast
Mason's first ice cream truck of the season!!
Egg hunt at Great Aunt Judy's on Easter!!!!
Checking out his goodies!!
new pictures will be coming soon!!!! I have been having problems uploading pictures lately:(

Friday, April 17, 2009

waiting to go outside to hunt eggs on Easter morning
He found his Easter baskets
The bunny brought him a wheelbarrow
looking for eggs
The egg hunt didn't last very long he would rather play basketball so mommy and grandma ended up picking all the eggs up!!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter egg hunt at Oak Run

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Tonight we made homemade pizza or zaza as Mason calls it. Mason had a lot of fun helping make it and eating it!!
Today we took Mason to see the Easter bunny, he did a lot better than he did with Santa. We didn't get smiles but at least there were no tears. This is the best picture out of all the ones we took.
This morning we took Mason to his first Easter egg hunt, it was kinda cold but fun. Mason even gave the bunny a kiss. He only picked up about 8 eggs and said he was all done.
Mason is officially a big boy. Daddy and Mason took down the crib, he is now sleeping in his toddler bed.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Mason has learned how to climb out of his crib. He has not done it yet at home but he did it at Grandma and Grandpa Browning's , so we decided to try out the toddler bed. It took Mommy 4 hours to get him to go to sleep for nap time but he finally gave in.