Saturday, April 12, 2008

Don't forget to leave us some comments so we know your stopping by.


Anonymous said...

Hi Nick, Sarah, and Mason! The pictures are all adorable! Mason looks like he's getting really tall :) Congratulations on crawling - the next big step will be walking! I know alot of people always say "oh you don't want them walking - they'll get into everything" - but I personally loved it when Zach could walk! It was when his true personality came out and it things really became alot of fun! Zach is getting so big and hopes to see Mason so they can play sometime! Have a good weekend - I hope the weather is nice there!

Brad, Jen & Zach

Anonymous said...

He is so cute crawling and on the swing. I will send this site to Michele and Brian.

Aunt, Judy

Anonymous said...

Great job Mason!!! Austin says hi and he can't wait to see you again.

Uncle Ted and Aunt Julie

Anonymous said...

We loved the pictures. You are going up so fast! It was great to see all of you yesterday. Let's keep in touch.

Love you all bunches, Pam & Lindsey

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, Mason is soooo cute! But of course he is, considering we only have adorable babies in this family. I can't believe how big he's gotten since the last time I've seen him. This is a fun age. The kids can't wait to be able to really play with him!

Your cousins....
Grey, Michele, Austin, Emma and Paige